Horror films are the perfect movies to watch to build up anticipation and suspense. They leave an audience at the edge of their seats, wondering what is next to come. The thrills excite the audience and get them to continue watching.
The typical target audience of horror films is around 15-25 year olds. Usually many teenagers as well as young adults take delight over thrills. Thrills tend to bring excitement to a younger audience over an older one. Horror films aim for groups of teenagers as well because usually teenagers tend to watch horror films and get scared all together. This gives the teenagers something to talk about and the foreshadowing of what is going to happen.
Horror films tend to use physical and psychological violence to tell mysterious stories. These kinds of films have to build up suspense throughout the film to keep the audience entertained with what they are watching. Foreshadowing is used as a way to bring anticipation to the film. It builds up suspense and mystery to the story and indicates that something is going to happen next, so that the audience continues watching. This leaves the audience at the edge of their seats, the anticipation is what excites the audiences to continue watching. When using foreshadowing it is important to be careful with the way that it is used and whether it is being used correctly as well.
One production technique that must be used appropriately during a horror film would be a jump scare. The scare itself has to catch the audience off guard to truly get the thrill. They usually tend to happen in a quiet and subtle scene in which is interrupted by a loud moment of action.
Another technique that is often used is using low lighting which creates a creepy and mysterious environment. Not only does it give a creepy sense to the environment, but typically, darkness makes people feel more ‘unsafe’ or at risk, if they can’t see they can’t be in control. Horror films also tend to use close up shots to focus on the character’s emotions, such as fear. As for the music, it is used to create a frightening or creepy atmosphere. These techniques all contribute to creating suspense and fear within the audience.
Ways in which horror films are marketed are in different tactics used. Usually horror films all have a common plot, to make their a film unique the viewer has to feel a connection with what they are watching. Strong enough to want to watch the movie, which is why the marketing is important. Horror films tend to use mystery as a way to attract buyers. The trailers ending with something mysterious leaves the viewer curious as to what will happen next. Horror films also tend to get the viewer to feel some sort of attachment to the characters. By doing so, it gets the viewers to care about what will happen to these characters. These tactics used aim towards the targeted audience which is teenagers and young adults, which is an audience that enjoys the thrill.
Hereditary (2018)- This movie is a supernatural horror film that is about what a family goes through after the grandmother's death. The family seems to be haunted and the daughter seems to be connected to the grandmother. Throughout the movie, there are disturbing and creepy moments that will leave the audience with curiosity having their attention until the end of the movie. It is clear that there is something off with the family after the grandmother's death. Secrets about their family history begin to come out and they begin to experience the emotional trauma passed through generations. This film has mysterious events that occur throughout the film which lead to the end which shows the ancestry of the family which ties it all up. The film itself is creepy as many unpleasant things occur, yet grabs the audience's attention.

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